Sunday, February 1, 2009


I haven't posted forever - life has been happening. I had a hard decision to make, and it was to postpone baby making and everything having to do with that in order to focus on my dissertation. The suck thing is that my dissertation is investigating factors in choices people make to adopt or pursue infertility. That kind of keeps it in my face, but doesn't allow me to tackle my stuff directly.
I'm also training to host a Resolve group. I know I need the support as much as others do, but I feel like I'm taking on too much. If I admitted this to the peeps I love they'd probably agree, but I'm not ready for their opinions on this.
Every now and then I just need to take a huge break from anything having to do with children and babymaking.
On an up note - I babysat for friends with the cutest little boy ever in existence and he ironed out alot of drama. When your only goal is to make sure a child survives your care with limbs intact, you get a huge wakeup call about what is important, and how niggling little things don't really matter.

1 comment:

Erica said...

New to your blog - just read your post on basic anatomy. What do people think? They are the FIRST ones to tell you the "if you adopt, you'll get preggers" bulls@#@??? Just today, a coworker asked how I was. Okay, nice. Then proceeds to tell me in passing that when her friend was in an off-week from her IF treatments and RELAXED, she got pregnant. I seriously think I'm going to print out your note and hand it out. Either that, or I'm going to scream!!!