Thursday, December 11, 2008

Now what?

OK. So it's been a few days, but I needed to get my head straight. We were called at 4:15pm on Friday and told the third embryo had grown a little and the docs wanted to wait until 8am Sat to give him a chance to mature.
The 8am call was a BFN - thing #3 decided to poop out sometime during the night. We now have no more frozen babies to try with and will have to enroll in a shared risk thingy to see if we are eligible and review new donors in case it was an incompatibility with egg to uterus.
Some people have had that very sad face as they approach - and I'm like, "No, not THAT awful." Because it is easier knowing this cycle is moot than waiting to see if they implanted.... But then they swing straight to "Oh, then act like normal," and I'm left thinking, "No. Not there either...."
My mother actually said, "Well, you're not complicated are you?" Geez. This process is so intangible physically and emotionally to those who are peripheral to it. Actually I even think my husband is over it already, and probably thinks I should be too in his heart.
I'm not....
It's probably a bad idea to do what we did and name the frozen embryos, but I couldn't resist. These were things 1, 2, and 3. And previously we had Embryella and Emburrito, and then Picasso, Buubles, and Squeak. I miss things 1, 2, and 3 now....

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