Monday, December 15, 2008

Anatomy people! Basic anatomy!

So I was at a party this weekend.... An acquaintance had heard about our troubles (2nd frozen cycle called off due to embryo death - like it's a game that was forfeited and not my life....) Anywho.... The acquaintance who shall remain nameless for her ignorance suggested I ask a mutual acquaintance for her eggs since she's so awesome. This mutual person is a person that can't stand me and vice versa, so no go there besides the awkwardness of asking someone something a little bigger than do you want to dance, go out Friday, etc.
THEN she relates her sister-in-law/cousin/friend's story about how she tried to get pregnant for years and the doctors labeled her infertile. She adopts a child from Guatemala and lo and behold she finds out she's pregnant.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about miracle eggs muscling through scar tissue and defunct fallopian tubes, BUT I'VE NEVER HEARD OF A NATURAL BIRTH WITHOUT TUBES AND OVARIES!
Basic anatomy... and no I don't give everyone I meet the lowdown on our personal sitch, it's just that people who are college educated should know better than to assume our problems could have a Christmas type ending - I don't even buy that one to tell the truth.
Print this next line out and feel free to hand it out wherever you are and are about to throw down with a well-meaning person (WMP) for an insensitive comment. Especially during the holidays.

Dear Well-Meaning Person,
Thank you for your concern and the story you just shared with me. I know you meant well.
Now knock it off! You do not know what my infertility situation is and your well-meaning comments may hurt infertile others if I do not stop you now. Asking me how I am, what is going on, and really listening is alot more helpful than offering me non-existant solutions to my problem.
The One Living It

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You know my husband's parents who DO know ALL about our cycling, called us, and I quote:" I just saw this documentary on adoption. I don't understand why you just don't adopt?" Luckily, I wasn't on the phone with hubby's Step-Mom or else I would have said something to the effect of "THANK YOU for telling us about that. We NEVER would have EVER thought of that ourselves." Or perhaps I would have just chickened out.

Sorry that you have to deal with ignorant comments at holiday parties. Blech.